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Data Privacy & Imprint

Data Privacy

Requests to our website are logged for statistical purposes. For example your IP address, browser, name of the requested file, date and time of the request and the transferred data volume are recorded in log files. This non personally identifiable information is designated exclusively for internal purposes and will not passed on to third parties. The usage of embedded content, which is not created and provided by us, could be logged by the corresponding content provider.


mollow::timing (Philipp Saalmann)
℅ Postsportverein Buer e.V.
Postfach 20 07 15
45842 Gelsenkirchen
Vereinsregister: Gelsenkirchen-Buer 10VR568
E-mail address

Link to comprehensive privacy policy (in German): https://mollow-timing.de/imprint.php?lang=de